Marcel Fable Price is an INELDA Trained Death Doula who takes the most pride in his work with the Legacy Projects of his clients. Fable is working towards multiple certifications, and is on a lifelong journey to learn everything he can from various cultures about Death & Dying so that he can be an endless well of wisdom to those he is walking alongside during their own process.
Fable’s lived experience far outweighs his formal training. He had the honor of being a confidant to his longtime friend and roommate, Nate, as he navigated a 2.5 year bout with stage 4 CRC (Colorectal Cancer) at age 32. He was fortunate enough to be there for the passing of his grandfather, who was the only father he ever knew, as he took his last breaths at the end of an agonizing experience with dementia.

But, it was the passing of his wife at age 30 that painstakingly molded him into the person and doula he is today.
Nika was truly his better half and was diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer which would later take her life after a four year slugfest that concluded with a handful of loved ones crying to Lizzo in the living room of the house that doubled as their wedding chapel and her final resting place.
Fable is a forever student to life, and is on a quest to learn about various ceremonies, religions, vigils, and everything his clients are willing to teach him about the Death and Dying process.
He believes that his journey to become a Doula taught him countless lessons that he wishes he had during the transitions of his loved ones, and looks to be a light to his clients first and foremost, but hopefully make what can be one of the most painful journeys humans can experience, even moderately easier on those that might be impacted after their loved ones are no longer physically with us.
Contact Me

Are you someone who has recently been diagnosed with a terminal illness, been given a prognosis that has death feeling closer than it did before, or are currently interested in mapping out your legacy project or unpacking what your vigil plan could consist of?
Are you a family member of someone who might fit the description above?
If so, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Please, keep in mind that I work with one client a year to ensure that I can be everything I can be for you, as well as myself.